Thursday, June 14, 2007

3 Keys to Belly Fat Reduction

If your primary goal is belly fat reduction, you need to know about -- and closely follow -- three time-tested "fundamentals" of losing abdominal fat. Forget about the "quick fixes" you see marketed all over the place. No fat burner, appetite suppressant, fitness gadget, or ab machine is going to give you a flat stomach all by itself. No matter which type of weight loss program you choose, be sure that it incorporates these proven keys to reducing belly fat and getting a healthier, better-looking body...

1. Eat Fewer Carbs, Eat Better Carbs

Even though most people worry more about their fat consumption, the real key to losing body fat and looking better is to closely monitor the quantity and quality of the carbohydrates you eat. Simply put, you need to eat enough carbs to have sufficient energy but you also need to focus on eating "good" carbs that your body can process efficiently. For the most part, these include fresh or frozen vegetables, fresh or frozen fruits, beans, legumes, and whole grains. Anything that contains refined sugars or refined flour is going to have a very negative effect on your body... and should be avoided as much as possible.

For belly fat reduction, try cutting your total carb intake in half and upping your intake of lean proteins and healthy fats. The carbs you do eat should be almost exclusively from veggies, fruits, beans/legumes, and whole grains.

2. Eat Smaller Meals More Often

One of the biggest mistake most people make when it comes to weight loss is attempting to eat less often. They mistakingly believe that "skipping meals" is the best way to get rid of stomach fat. Not only will this not help you lose weight, but it'll probably lead to overeating and/or eating the wrong kinds of food (which both lead to weight gain). It will definitely lead to a slower metabolism as your body attempts to conserve fat and energy at the expense of valuable muscle tissue.

If you want to slim down as quickly as possible, you need to eat 4-6 small, healthy meals, spread out evenly over the course of the day. This will keep you from getting hungry and overeating while simultaneously boosting your metabolism and helping you burn more belly fat all day long. It will also help you get into the habit of "grazing" -- eating small amounts of healthy foods several times per day -- instead of eating 2 or 3 big meals and consuming more calories than your body can handle at one time.

3. Stay Highly Motivated

No matter what, you need to figure out a way to stay highly motivated and focused on achieving your goals. Lack of motivation and enthusiasm is one of the major reasons why so many people give up on a weight loss plan after just a few weeks. Everyone is different so it takes some effort to figure out exactly what motivates you most. No matter what, you should start off by creating a set of proper goals that you will focus on constantly and use as a motivation boost when the road gets bumpy. By taking this basic (but vital) step you'll greatly improve your chances of success in weight loss, fitness, and anything else you wish to achieve!

One of the best motivational guides I've come across is contained in the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle weight loss system. If you're really interested in fast, healthy belly fat reduction I highly recommend taking a look at this powerful program!


Anonymous said...

Nice information buddy, I will make use of these to reduce my weight...

Anonymous said...

Great blog and advice. My belly fat is the hardest for me to lose. I also recommend the "Burn Fat..." e-book. I bought it 2 years ago and it taught me a lot about the nutritional mistakes I was making, which explained why I wasn't getting fit fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new in terms of advice. More interested in advice on foods that will help target fat reduction

Lee said...

Good article, straight to the point highlighting the main factors to start achieveing fat loss.


Terry Shackelford said...

I have lost over 80 lbs through diet, exercise and some herbal products. You cannot have any long term success without incorporating the 3 tips you have shared. Nice post.

Terry A Shackelford

Chris said...

I think item #2 that you listed has the biggest impact on weight loss. If you can cut out the huge meals and graze throughout the day then weight loss usually begins

Unknown said...

@ 2nd Anonymous since you wish to find out advice on foods that are specifically good to target fat reduction, you should then take a look at healthy foods to lose weight

Anonymous said...

I have been doing 300 crunches 4 times a week For atleast 2 months and along that I run atleast 3 miles. But still I haven't Seen any difference in my belly fat. I eat 4 times a day and small meal, and don't eat anything after 7oclock. But still no result. What should I do??